Katherine Black Books

The Last Matriarch

By Katherine Black

1960. Matriarch Violet Woods buries her firstborn. But not lacking in fortitude, she soon produces five replicas. Violet, a woman with barely concealed neurotic psychosis, stifles the Woods brothers under her protective wing.

As the Woods’ hotel empire grows and the decades pass, the boys coerce their way into adulthood, each with their own secrets and flaws.

Through Katherine Black’s signature style of probing into the blackest depths of suspense, The Last Martiarch is a story of power, vengeance, murder and intrigue…

As they rise, the Woods show no mercy. However, when she comes, vengeance checks in with hatred in her overnight bag.

…And let’s not forget that firstborn child.

The Last Matriarch

Publication Date: 15 March 2023

EBOOK: $4.99 (US) £3.99 (UK) $5.99 (CAN)

Available on Kindle Unlimited (KU)

PAPERBACK:  Pages: 408 Retail: $10.99 (US) £9.99 (UK) $11.99 (CAN)