Katherine Black Books

Keepers of the Quantum

Guardians of the Frame: Book 2

By Katherine Black

The kids are older. The leaps are wilder . . .

Vicki, Mark, Kerry, and Emma have a magic picture frame portal, leaping them into a cascade of otherworldly realms filled with magic and malice.

But danger is ever lurking and the perfect leap can turn on a heartbeat, transforming their adventures into near-death encounters. A particular brush with death leaves them teetering on the brink.

Adobe is an enigmatic figure from a parallel dimension, his intentions shrouded in darkness. He yearns for the frame, a tool for evil intentions.

Keepers of the Quantum is a high-stakes adventure, brimming with suspense, intrigue, and relentless action.

A question hangs in the balance:

Are they destined to remain prisoners in a time far removed from their home?

So, strap yourself in, as Katherine Black redefines survival and every breath holds the potential of a last gasp. Her pulse-pounding escapade promises to be a wild, unforgettable ride, studded with unimaginable thrills and spine-tingling suspense.

Keepers of the Quantum

Publication Date: 05 July 2023

EBOOK: $5.99 (US) £4.99 (UK) $6.99 (CAN)

Available on Kindle Unlimited (KU)

PAPERBACK:  Pages: 296 Retail: $10.99 (US) £9.99 (UK) $10.99 (CAN)