Katherine Black Books

Denial: A Murmuration of Silence: Book 2

By Katherine Black

Katherine Black uses emotions and characters to manipulate your senses until they ache.

This is a collection of fictional stories born of dark things living in the author’s head. It’s about the power of the human condition—and the weakness. A collection of intense stories written with passion and insight. Some are so tragic they can break a heart. Every piece in the book is tinged with human emotion—kindness, colour, darkness, or autumn tones.

While some women are dipping in the supermarket freezers for frozen peas, Katherine wonders how a body would fit. Would you have to break their arms and legs to get them in? What do frozen eyes look like? She has a head full of psychopaths. Sometimes they need to be let out. This book is the result of their freedom.

You will find thought-provoking, bleak, kind, harsh, gentle—and dark— stories that will make you uncomfortable.

Are you in…Denial?

Denial: A Murmuration of Silence: Book 2

Publication Date: Coming soon

EBOOK: $4.99 (US) £3.99 (UK) $5.99 (CAN)

Available on Kindle Unlimited (KU)

PAPERBACK:  Pages: 472 Retail: $10.99 (US) £9.99 (UK) $11.99 (CAN)