Katherine Black Books

"Katherine Black is right up there with Val McDermid, Patricia Cornwall, and Nicci French."

Katherine wrote her first book in the last century when the world was very different. 

She had some success with two books on the national schools’ reading curriculum for Cumbria in England. She was nominated for The British Book Awards, and from 144,000 books, she made the top 20. And one of her books was in line to be made into a blockbuster movie alongside one other…Judge Dredd. In the end, the movie director Armande Assante went with the other book Judge Dredd. It was a box office flop. He should have chosen Katherine’s book. 

She has been a care home manager and zoo keeper. She went on to establish and own the private zoo Furness Reptiles. 

More recently, and after Covid hit us all hard, she opened her business Best Book Editors and has over 300 clients to date. The company offers a full range of services from editing, thorough publishing and design to marketing. 

In 2022 disaster hit when Katherine was hit with a brain condition. Her business was building, with new clients joining the stable every day. She had 23 staff in admin, editing and creative design. Katherine is currently in remission at the time of writing, but she has to live with her Type-1 TN for life and knows Sparky will be back to play with her one day. It’s meant scaling the business back. However, BBE is still open and still taking on commissions.

With the TN, Katherine had to reevaluate and take stock again. As the business took off and grew, she stopped writing herself to focus on other people’s books. 

But, after six years…She’s back and better than ever. 

Katherine has come in strong, and there’s a new detective in town in the form of Silas Nash. Early reviews are saying the series is the best thing she’s ever written. 

At Home With the Other Half

Katherine has lived with her partner, Mark, for seven years.  Mark’s a musician, gigging on the local circuit and has some great singer/songwriter cover sets.

Some people have pictures on their walls. Katherine has guitars. 

As well as having a happy and settled homelife, they share a love of  music, singing and dancing. 

Life changed for us all during Covid, and Mark and Katherine stopped going out (with the rest of the world) and had full-on music nights at home in the Burrows Arms. They would set up all the music equipment, turn on the disco lights and have their own nights with no queue to get on the singing board.

When the world opened, friends joined them, and now they still prefer staying in and doing their thing. Mark’s a great cook, and he loves cooking for guests. 

The Gang...Expect More Pics of These Reprobates

Tegan 6 years old and Katherine's best mate.

Teagan & Echo (Tenmen) Excuse the decorating


Trevalion a grumpy old man.

Ravnica, 6 year old python (sloughing)

Milo: The Latest Arrival



Mark's New Toy

This is Heidi the VW T5.  I have it on good authority that we’re going to be going away most weekends this summer. 

Two rehomed dogs with their associated problems in a tin can on a campsite with other people–and them filled with stranger-danger barking responses. What could go wrong?

Mark and I trapped with two neurotic dogs in a tin can in a  torrential storm for three days. We have sharp implements. What could go wrong? 

A sixteen-year-old camper that has already cost thousands of pounds to do up. Reliable–not necessarily. What could go wrong?

I am excited to start our camping adventures–I can’t wait. #can’tbeatcampinglife #campervibe