Katherine Black Books

Lie Lie Lullaby

By Katherine Black

Online charm. Lethal harm.


In the chilling undercurrent of an ice-cold case, Detective Chief Inspector Silas Nash is hitting brick walls. Each lead drags him down a burrow of frustration.


Around the murkier corners of the internet, a sly conman weaves his web on a dating site, ensnaring unsuspecting women with practised ease. He’s a shark in a digital ocean, preying on the vulnerable.


Clara Watts, devastated and embittered, plays a dangerous game when he slithers back into her life eight years later. But he’s no ordinary villain.


His charm is lethal. Is her death on his hands?


Meanwhile, Detective Inspector Molly Brown has issues with her own affairs.


Can Nash crack the cold case and save the naive victims from the irresistible phantom invading their lives?


In this nerve-shredding, pulse-pounding thriller, every swipe could be a slide into the abyss. Trust isn’t a virtue — it’s a deadly gamble.

Book 3 of Silas Nash

Publication Date:

June 7, 2023

EBOOK: $4.99 (US) £3.99 (UK) $5.99 (CAN)

Available on Kindle Unlimited (KU)

PAPERBACK:  Pages: 397 Retail: $10.99 (US) £9.99 (UK) $11.99 (CAN)